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Wednesday 25 March 2015

Pathogen plugin manager for VIM in Ubuntu 14.04

Pathogen plug-in manager for VIM in Ubuntu 14.04

VIM is a powerful text editor which is minimalistic and simple, it is mostly command line and there is even G VIM which is a GUI version of vim, The difference is that when you open Vim it opens in command-line and G Vim opens in GUI that is graphical version.Installing Vim in Ubuntu is simple:
~$ sudo apt-get install vim

This installs vim in your machine and now you are ready to go. You can learn Vi tutorials.

   Pathogen is the plug-in manager for Vim editor as there are lots of plugins
that make the editing easy and making text look colorful, the plug-ins like template makes writing code easier. Installing Pathogen is a easy process just two lines of code makes it install. 

~$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle;
~$ curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim 
If you don't have curl installed, use:

~$ sudo apt-get install curl

Then try the second line code again after curl is installed and then you need to create ~/.vimrc file for that type in below command in terminal.

~$ sudo gedit ~/.vimrc

After that gedit file opens with no data then just copy paste the below data into the file and save the file and quit.

 " contents of minimal .vimrc
execute pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on

And thats it the pathogen is installed or configured and now you can install plug-ins.


NERDTree is a plugin that is for file browsing with bookmarks. Installing pathogen is simple:

~$ cd ~/.vim/bundle
~$ git clone

Thats it it installs NERDTree plugin is installed. you can open Vim and type 


to toggle the file browser open or closed. Use arrows to select files and press enter to open file in current tab. To open in a new tab, select the file and press t.

VIM template

VIM template is a plugin that provides templates for files like python,html and ruby.
~$ cd ~/.vim/bundle
~$git clone git://


$ vim

this shows a standard template of python.
There are lots of Vim plug-ins and you can google them and to get around the Vim the best book is Byte of Vim by CH Swaroop and its free ebook you can download it and get around with commands.


Saturday 11 January 2014


Breaking into operating system that would be very exciting when you hear of hacking your Windows operating system that isn't a great task for hacking into your system when you have physical access to system, so security is always a issue with your windows operating systems and the same issue with Linux but it is bit hard when you try to break into linux. This topic will surely make a clear with how to break into windows 7 operating system.

Here we use Backtrack 5 r3 live cd for this process of hacking, you can find the Backtrack 5 download link below. 
this is torrent download if you want a direct link click below link

After downloading the Linux backtrack5r3 just burn it to dvd or if you want to boot from USB use unetbootin to make usb bootable. Now if you are ready with your Backtrack 5 r3 cd then just follow the process step by step as below.

Step 1: Insert your cd into cd drive and restart the system and use the option boot from cd to start your backtrack live os then after booting into backtrack you will see terminal asking for user name and password enter user name as root and password as toor after logging in to start x window type startx then you will be taken into  backtrack desktop.

Step2: On desktop click on terminal and after terminal opens type fdisk -l | grep NTFS
now you will see all partitions of your drive.

Step3: Select the windows partition from the drives normally it is in sda2 then type the command mount /dev/sda2 /mnt then the partition gets mounted.

Step4: Now change the directory to system32 by typing  cd  /mnt/Windows/System32
 in the terminal your directory changes to system32.

Step5: Then type the command mv  Utilman.exe  Utilman.bak here we are renaming the Utility manager file.

Step6: Now type the command cp  cmd.exe Utilman.exe here the Utility manager is replaced with commnd prompt.

Step7: Now restart the system and eject the cd of Backtrack OS.

Step8: After restarting when you see login screen prompting for password then just move your pointer onto left corner down and you will see a blue colour icon just double click on it and command prompt appears or just press windows key + u then cmd prompt opens.

Step9: Now type set in comand prompt.

Step10: Type  net user  username password  /add (this adds user to user group with given username and password as  in command).

Step11: Now  the user created will be be given permissions as administrator by  typing the command  net localgroup administrators  user name in the command prompt.

Step12:Now activate the administrator account by typing the command
net user administrator /active:yes

Step13:To activate the guest account type  net user guest  /active:yes 
next type net guest password

Step14:Now to make guest as administrator type net localgroup administrators 
 guest /add

Step15 :Now  reboot and login with the user account and password you created.

This can be prevented by enabling the hard disk password in bios.

This is only for educational purpose never try on others systems and its up to your risk.

Friday 10 January 2014

240 Linux distros and their offical websites

As LINUX is a open source operating system and its terms of licensing under GNU license has made an option for rise of all such operating systems each makes itself more distinct from others and these are all such distros presently available. There might be some of distros missing as we cannot get all as we have done to our best.

240 LINUX distros and their official websites.

Absolute Linux Official website
AbulEdu Official website
AgiliaLinux Official website
aLinux Official website
Alpine Linux Official website
ALT Linux Official website
Antergos Official website
antiX Official website
aptosid Official website
Arch Linux Official website
ArchBang Linux Official website
Archie Official website
AriOS Official website
ArtistX Official website
AsteriskNOW Official website
Asturix Official website
AUSTRUMI Official website
AV Linux Official website
BackBox Linux Official website
Berry Linux Official website
BigLinux Official website
Bio-Linux Official website
blackPanther Official website
BlankOn Linux Official website
Bluewall GNULinux Official website
Bluewhite64 Linux Official website
Bodhi Linux Official website
BOSS Linux Official website
Bridge Linux Official website
CAELinux Official website
CAINE Official website
Calculate Linux Official website
Canaima Official website
Càtix Official website
CDlinux Official website
CentOS Official website
Chakra GNU/Linux Official website
ClearOS Official website
Clonezilla Official website
ComFusion Official website
CrunchBang Linux Official website
CRUX Official website
Damn Small Linux Official website
Debian Official website
DEFT Linux Official website
Descent|OS Official website
Devil-Linux Official website
DigAnTel Official website
DoudouLinux Official website
DragonFly BSD Official website
Dragora GNU/Linux Official website
DreamStudio Unity Official website
Easy Pease Official website
Edubuntu Official website
Ekaaty Official website
Elastix Official website
Elive Official website
Emmabuntüs Official website
Endian Firewall Official website
Epidemic GNU/Linux Official website
ExTiX Official website
Fedora Official website
Finnix Official website
Foresight Linux Official website
FreeBSD Official website
FreeNAS Official website
Frenzy Official website
Frugalware Linux Official website
Fusion Linux Official website
GALPon MiniNo Official website
GeeXboX Official website
Gentoo Official website
GhostBSD Official website
gNewSense Official website
GParted Official website
Greenie Linux Official website
Grml Official website
Guadalinex Official website
Hacao Linux Official website
Hanthana Linux Official website
Hybryde Linux Official website
IPCop Firewall Official website
IPFire Official website
ISlack Official website
Jibbed Official website
Jolicloud Official website
kademar Official website
Kahel OS Official website
Kali Linux Official website
KANOTIX Official website
Karoshi Official website
Kiwi linux Official website
Knoppix Official website
Kubuntu Linux Official website
Kwheezy Official website
Kwort Linux Official website
Leeenux Linux Official website
Legacy OS Official website
Liberté Linux Official website
Lightweight Portable Security Official website
LinEx Official website
LinHES Official website
Linpus Linux Official website
Linux Deepin Official website
Linux From Scratch Official website
Linux Lite Official website
Linux Mint Official website
LinuxConsole Official website
LliureX Official website
Lubuntu Official website
Lunar-Linux Official website
LuninuX OS Official website
LXLE Official website
m0n0wall Official website
Macpup Official website
Mageia Official website
MakuluLinux Official website
Mandriva Official website
Manjaro Linux Official website
MidnightBSD Official website
MINIX Official website
Momonga Linux Official website
Musix Official website
Mythbuntu Official website
NetBSD Official website
Netrunner Official website
NetSecL OS Official website
Network Security Toolkit Official website
NexentaStor Official website
NuTyX Official website
Ojuba Official website
OLPC OS Official website
OpenBSD Official website
OpenELEC Official website
OpenIndiana Official website
openmamba GNU/Linux Official website
OpenMediaVault Official website
openSUSE Official website
Openwall GNU*Linux Official website
Ophcrack Official website
Oracle Linux Official website
Oracle Solaris Official website
OS4 OpenLinux Official website
Overclockix Official website
Parabola GNU/Linux Official website
Pardus Official website
Parsix Official website
Parted Magic Official website
PC-BSD Official website
PCLinuxOS Official website
Pear OS Official website
Pentoo Official website
Peppermint OS Official website
pfSense Official website
PHLAK Official website
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Plamo Linux Official website
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Point Linux Official website
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siduction Official website
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SliTaz GNU/Linux Official website
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